trail of tears

Your hot lovers waiting at the door

In the movie theater

At their house

In your instant message

Wicked thoughts betray you

In their prescence

On the bed

Cuddled upon the couch

Ignore whats playing now

In the coffeeshop

Spiraling in a maze of people

Techno bumping clubs

Passing you in the mall

Down the street

By your locker

In the hallway

Making out behind the bookshelves

An upscale apartment

Fancy expensive cars

Your room next to your parents

The basement

In the shower

Staring at the mirror

Two figures, beguiled

Frightened, steam drifting about

In a haze of closed eyes

Meeting skin

Parting skin

Caress a texture

Soft features with strong accents

Blissful hair

Incandescent light

To dark rooms

Where musky smell prevails

Snuggled to a neck

Wondering how it came to be this way